Thursday, January 3, 2008

The Beginnning of Hellenistic Culture

Hellenistic culture first began with King Philip II of Macedonia, on the original conquest to conquer the world he invaded the city-states of Greece and took them over. However King Phillip II was stabbed by his bodyguard, implying that his dream of conquering many territories was over. But instead his son Alexander (later will be known as Alexander the Great) took over as king of Macedonia and conquers Persia, part of India, and Egypt.

Alexander the Great, as he was known then, combined the cultures of the lands he conquered, including Macedonia to make Hellenistic culture, a culture formed on the basis of cultural diffusion.

Jaisel T.

What was the invention Alexander the Great used to conquer Tyre?

1 comment:

Chad Gleason said...

Well written and informative posts. What do you think about adding some pictures too?